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Модератор: Di-Crash
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Сообщения: 5
Glucophone is a reed percussion contraption on which you can play with your hands and special sticks.
The uniqueness of this thingy lies in the low-down that ALL MAY PLAY ON IT.
Playing on it, you order experience effect vibrations that on enshroud you and all and sundry who is about, contents with congruity and joy. It is not without vindication that this mechanism is called Gleeful Drum (Drum of Felicity) abroad. The prominence which has directed to the playing on the glucophone switches from the set internal dialogues, algorithms, and ratings to the intentional weaving of the melodic pattern. The feeling, at the unaltered time, is filled with gaiety from inventive venture and actively forms stylish neural connections, and the body and consciousness are immersed in a status of deep easing up at the beck simpatico vibrations, alike resemble in tonality and tincture to a bell ringing.

I invite you to by my area: http://steel-tongue-drum.info

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